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Waiau Gazette

Waiau Gazette

The Waiau Gazette was a circulation published monthly between April 1969 and October 1970 for the Waiau district. The first edition introduced itself as follows:

You are now reading the first issue of The Waiau Gazette, published by the Tuatapere Stationery and made possible by the support of the advertisers. It is our hope that this publication will fill a long-felt need for a means of circulating local news and reporting the activities of the many organisations in the district.

The columns of this paper are available for the insertion of advertisements such as For Sale, Wanteds, Lost and Found, Public Notices, etc., at a nominal charge.

All reports, if space is available, will be printed free of charge.

The Waiau Gazette will be published on the third Friday in every month and delivered free to all disirict households. Copy of news and advertisements should be handed in or posted to the Tuarapere Stationery l2 days prior to publication date.

Below are links to scanned and OCR’d copies in pdf format: