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Over the Hump to the Lake

But the beauty and grandeur of mountain and lake, of river and gully and sea,

Of the deep, dark bush, with its twining flowers, of the goais waving free;

The sweet bright, amid all things stern, of the mountain lilies pure–

These shall remain in our memories still, with a charm that shall aye endure.

— Violet

A captivating article from the Otago Witness, Issue 2649, 21 December 1904OVER THE “HUMP” TO THE LAKE, has been added to the History section. It provides a glimpse of the area surrounding Tuatapere in the form of a narrative detailing a trip by cart, horse and foot from Orepuki to Lake Huaroko and back.  Reproduced as close as possible to the original.  If anyone can identify the author, Violet, please post a comment.

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